Don’t Let These 3 Hidden Fat Loss Blockers Sabotage Your New Year's Weight Loss Resolution!

Hi, Dr. Mark Rosenberg here…

And if you’re one of the millions of Americans who have resolved to lose weight this year, then I urge you to read every single word of this article.

Especially if you’re over 50!

Here’s why:

Just about everything you’ve been told about how to lose weight is wrong!

Dr. Mark Rosenberg

So if you’ve tried in years past to shed the belly fat but failed...

Then before you even set any New Year's Resolutions…

Read this article where I’ll share the research you need to know about how to finally liberate yourself from the shackles of belly fat.

I’ll reveal how to reignite your body’s internal fat burning capabilities to that of your youth…

And I’ll share the breakthrough nutraceutical combination that my patients are using to finally:

  • Overcome the plague of uncontrollable weight gain
  • Get their cellular weight-management circuits firing again
  • And experience the joy of a trim, healthy physique

If losing weight in the past has been difficult for you then you need to understand...

Failing To Lose Weight Is Not Your Fault

You’ve been lied to and led to believe that diet and exercise information is the same for everyone at every age.

Failing To Lose Weight

But I assure you - if you’re over 50 years old, losing weight is not about simply eating less and moving more.

It’s not about doing some crash juice cleanse that will only ruin your metabolism and cause excessive rebound weight gain.

It’s not about avoiding certain kinds of foods and only eating others.

(Yes, you can have your favorite treats and meals in moderation and still shed the pounds!)

Instead, it’s about addressing the 3 reasons why unsightly fat begins to accumulate as you get older.

If you get to the 3 root causes of the problem - the weight begins to fall off effortlessly.

But if you don’t, all you’ll be left with is another failed New Year’s Resolution and the same body you’ve got right now.

Please, do not blame yourself  for not knowing this sooner…

The weight loss industry is overcrowded with pretenders and fads, making it hard to get the truth across to people.

Even worse, the people you’d expect to be trustworthy are often the ones profiting the most from the weight loss industry!

Nutritionists… Other doctors...

Even hospitals try to cash in with $300 seminars that tell you to eat less, exercise more, and then extort more money from you for meal replacement shakes.

So because my mission with Sun Coast Sciences has always been to help more people get the health benefits and quality of life they deserve…

I’m pulling back the curtain and arming you with what you need to know to finally lose the weight and keep it off this New Year’s.

Can you imagine fitting into jeans you haven’t worn in decades?

Being showered with compliments as everyone around you notices that you’re feeling, moving, thinking, and looking better than you have in years?

You’ve been lied to and led to believe that diet and exercise information is the same for everyone at every age.

But I assure you - if you’re over 50 years old, losing weight is not about simply eating less and moving more.

It’s not about doing some crash juice cleanse that will only ruin your metabolism and cause excessive rebound weight gain.

It’s not about avoiding certain kinds of foods and only eating others.

(Yes, you can have your favorite treats and meals in moderation, and still shed the pounds!)

Instead, it’s about addressing the 3 reasons why unsightly fat begins to accumulate as you get older.

If you get to the 3 root causes of the problem - the weight begins to fall off effortlessly.

But if you don’t, all you’ll be left with is another failed New Year’s Resolution and the same body you’ve got right now.

Please, do not blame yourself  for not knowing this sooner…

The weight loss industry is overcrowded with pretenders and fads, making it hard to get the truth across to people.

Even worse, the people you’d expect to be trustworthy are often the ones profiting the most from the weight loss industry!

Nutritionists… Other doctors...

Even hospitals try to cash in, with $300 seminars that tell you to eat less, exercise more, and then extort more money from you for meal replacement shakes.

So because my mission with Sun Coast Sciences has always been to help more people get the health benefits and quality of life they deserve…

I’m pulling back the curtain and arming you with what you need to know to finally lose the weight and keep it off this New Year’s.

Can you imagine fitting into jeans you haven’t worn in decades?

Being showered with compliments as everyone around you notices that you’re feeling, moving, thinking, and looking better than you have in years?

Looking in the mirror, and seeing the “ideal picture” you have in your head of what you want to look like staring back at you?

Laying your head on your pillow each night, knowing you’ll be healthy, living life, and staying present for your family for decades to come?

healthy lifestyle
healthy living

Looking in the mirror, and seeing the “ideal picture” you have in your head of what you want to look like staring back at you?

Laying your head on your pillow each night, knowing you’ll be healthy, living life, and staying present for your family for decades to come?

No matter what you’ve experienced before… I guarantee this will change everything for you.

So let’s get into the Hidden Fat Loss Blockers:

Hidden Fat Loss Blocker #1: Hijacked Hormones

There’s a belly-fattening, hormone-disrupting condition that affects millions of women and men all over the country.

It’s a condition called Estrogen Overload.

Multiple studies suggest the effects of Estrogen Overload are detrimental to your metabolism, weight, anxiety… Along with a whole host of other issues.

Despite being rarely discussed by conventional medicine, some experts believe Estrogen Overload affects nearly HALF the women over the age of 35 in the United States.

Research revealed this is because unavoidable everyday chemicals can interfere with your endocrine system, which is responsible for all of your hormones.

The worst of these endocrine disruptors are what’s known as xenoestrogens...

Because your body can’t tell the difference between xenoestrogens and its own estrogen. This causes your body to think there’s an excess of estrogen.

And when your body thinks there’s an excess of estrogen, it gets fooled into acting against you.

Excessive Estrogen Is Detrimental To Your Weight, Energy, Appearance, Clarity Of Mind, And Sex Drive

Both women and men need a certain level of estrogen in the body…

But any more than what’s needed, and well, you’re likely feeling the effects - especially the weight gain.

The good news is that your body already has a way to deal with the effects of Estrogen Overload.

I’m talking about your liver.

Now, under “normal conditions”, your liver CAN cope. It breaks down and flushes excess estrogen your body doesn’t need to maintain hormonal balance.

However, for most people, this can’t happen because their liver is compromised. It’s just not working optimally.

Like an air filter that’s never cleaned, it becomes clogged up and less effective.

But there’s hope…

If you detox your liver properly, then your liver can work its magic on the rest of your body.

That’s when you can begin to experience losing fat stores caused by haywire hormones.

Instead of automatically storing unsightly, stubborn fat on your belly, hips, arms, and other trouble spots…

Which is what’s been going on for millions of Americans...

You’ll enjoy your liver metabolizing fat for clean, smooth energy.

And you’ll have your hormones set to burn fat, instead of store it.

But it’s important to note - hijacked hormones and a gunked up liver are just one of the reasons why fat loss is completely different for people over 50.

Many people are completely unaware of the difference this can have when attempting to lose weight…

And have no idea there are also two more hidden fat loss blockers they have to deal with.

Like the next hidden fat loss blocker:

Like an air filter that’s never cleaned, it becomes clogged up and less effective.

But there’s hope…

If you detox your liver properly, then your liver can work its magic on the rest of your body.

That’s when you can begin to experience losing fat stores caused by haywire hormones.

Instead of automatically storing unsightly, stubborn fat on your belly, hips, arms, and other trouble spots…

Which is what’s been going on for millions of Americans...

You’ll enjoy your liver metabolizing fat for clean, smooth energy.

And you’ll have your hormones set to burn fat, instead of store it.

But it’s important to note - hijacked hormones and a gunked up liver are just one of the reasons why fat loss is completely different for people over 50.

Many people are completely unaware of the difference this can have when attempting to lose weight…

And have no idea there are also two more hidden fat loss blockers they have to deal with.

Like the next hidden fat loss blocker:

Hidden Fat Loss Blocker #2: Low Levels of AMPK

AMPK exists in every cell, in every living animal… from simple yeasts, all the way up to humans.

Yes, it’s that important - it’s basically a “Metabolic Master Switch.”

When AMPK is “switched on” in cells, it tells them to break down fat and burn energy.


If someone’s AMPK was permanently “switched on,” their body would be a fat-burning machine!

And they’d have loads of energy… clean, smooth cellular energy that lasts all day.

They’d feel more youthful, more energetic, and their body would look like they LIVED in the gym.

As the Natural Medicine Journal states:

“…activating AMPK can produce the same benefits as exercise, dieting, and weight loss. One way to appreciate berberine's potential is to think of it as having the same effect on a patient as increasing exercise while at the same time restricting calorie intake.”

But as we age, AMPK activity slows down to a crawl. That means our cells lose the ability to rid themselves of the “cellular junk” they pick up over the years. Low AMPK also tells cells to store fat, and conserve energy.

They become clogged up, like an overflowing garbage disposal.

And in the end, your cells just begin to break down.

Leading to dangerously high blood sugar, volatile inflammation, fading energy, and a relentless build-up of stubborn fat across your belly.

This is why weight problems, lethargy, and brain fog persist…

…even if someone is exercising or dieting!

And after digging into stacks of research, and seeing thousands of patients, I believe…

Millions Of Americans Have Had Their AMPK “Switched Off”

Research suggests this is because of aging, inflammation, and chemically engineered food that makes it nearly impossible to stop eating.

And when our AMPK is switched off, it becomes unbelievably difficult to get rid of excess weight.

Like trying to walk down the street with a 100-pound weight dragging behind.

Every step is a painful effort, and it feels like it’s impossible to reach the destination. It’s discouraging, and it just makes my patients want to give up!

So bump up your levels of AMPK, and you’ll naturally activate your cells’ fat-burning energy-producing machinery.

I’ll show you my number one way to do this in just a bit, but first, we need to talk about the last hidden fat loss blocker:

Hidden Fat Loss Blocker #3: A Damaged Gut Leaking Fat Into Your Blood

If you’re like most Americans, then fat molecules are leaking from your gut, straight to your waistline!

Yes, we now have enough evidence to prove that a bulging waistline can be caused by a condition called Leaky Gut.

Leaky gut is really widening of holes in the walls of your intestines.

(and it might not surprise you to learn that processed foods, and the additives that have invaded our food supply, are to blame).


Now, there are supposed to be some holes there, so that water and nutrients can pass through, while still blocking harmful substances.

But the problem is that the holes are getting too wide.

And that’s because undigested food particles can tear the gut open.

Imagine washing a sponge with the sharp edge of a knife? That sponge will get ripped to shreds!

When the holes in your small intestine get busted, all sorts of stuff leaks into your bloodstream. Toxins, bacteria, and yes… undigested fat.

And we now know that this fat makes its way straight to your belly... leaving you saddled with an embarrassing spare tire.

So if you want to lose that belly fat, you’ve got to fix the leaky gut, and stop the fat leakage.

Now, there are two major points to keep in mind when fixing leaky gut:

Yes, you need to supplement with probiotics.

Probiotics that are non-histamine producing, non-dairy based, have a high enough CFUs (at least 30 billion), and are also proven to help with weight loss are what I’ve found to be best.

And here’s a key point I haven’t seen discussed anywhere else - gut health starts with digestion. Somehow, people have been misled into thinking that probiotics are all you need for good gut health.

If your small intestine doesn’t have the digestive enzymes it needs to process food correctly, it doesn’t matter how much good bacteria there is. You’re still going to get large, undigested food particles that can tear your gut open.

Meaning you’ll still have fat molecules leaking into your bloodstream like a lazy river, finding their way into common areas of fat build-up.

So ultimately, when you fix these 3 hidden fat loss blockers…

Now, there are supposed to be some holes there, so that water and nutrients can pass through, while still blocking harmful substances.

But the problem is that the holes are getting too wide.

And that’s because undigested food particles can tear the gut open.

Imagine washing a sponge with the sharp edge of a knife? That sponge will get ripped to shreds!

When the holes in your small intestine get busted, all sorts of stuff leaks into your bloodstream. Toxins, bacteria, and yes… undigested fat.

And we now know that this fat makes its way straight to your belly... leaving you saddled with an embarrassing spare tire.

So if you want to lose that belly fat, you’ve got to fix the leaky gut, and stop the fat leakage.

Now, there are two major points to keep in mind when fixing leaky gut:

Yes, you need to supplement with probiotics.

Probiotics that are non-histamine producing, non-dairy based, have a high enough CFUs (at least 30 billion), and are also proven to help with weight loss are what I’ve found to be best.

And here’s a key point I haven’t seen discussed anywhere else - gut health starts with digestion. Somehow, people have been misled into thinking that probiotics are all you need for good gut health.

If your small intestine doesn’t have the digestive enzymes it needs to process food correctly, it doesn’t matter how much good bacteria there is. You’re still going to get large, undigested food particles that can tear your gut open.

Meaning you’ll still have fat molecules leaking into your bloodstream like a lazy river, finding their way into common areas of fat build-up.

So ultimately, when you fix these 3 hidden fat loss blockers…

You’ll Finally Hit Your Resolutions And Keep The Weight Off

These 3 Hidden Fat Loss Blockers are what have secretly been stopping millions of Americans over 50 from getting the fat loss results they’ve wanted this whole time.

Just to recap, the 3 Hidden Fat Loss Blockers for Americans over 50 are:

1) Hijacked Hormones and a gunked up liver

2) Low levels of AMPK, your body’s metabolic master switch

3) A damaged, open gut leaking fat into your bloodstream, then onto your fat stores

Now the absolute beauty is that fixing all 3 of these hidden fat loss blockers doesn’t require changes to your diet or exercise.

This means…

  • No complicated diet restrictions, counting calories, or constant slaving away at the gym
  • No completely shutting off your favorite foods, or being forced to eat bland diet food
  • No prepackaged tv dinner meals or programs to buy

And no gimmicks or empty promises - solving each of the 3 Hidden Fat Loss Blockers is heavily proven by research and my patients’ results to support you in weight management.

Keep in mind - if you only solve 1 out of the 3 fat loss killers, you’re not fixing the whole problem, and struggles with managing your weight can persist.

But when you do solve all 3 of these hidden fat loss killers… You’ll enjoy an incredible synergistic effect, where weight management will be just like it was in your youth.

youth metabolism

All other weight loss advice acts as if everyone’s the same… But a 25-year-old losing weight is very different from someone over 50 losing weight.

These 3 Hidden Fat Loss Blockers are what have secretly been stopping millions of Americans over 50 from getting the fat loss results they’ve wanted this whole time.

Just to recap, the 3 Hidden Fat Loss Blockers for Americans over 50 are:

1) Hijacked Hormones and a gunked up liver

2) Low levels of AMPK, your body’s metabolic master switch

3) A damaged, open gut leaking fat into your bloodstream, then onto your fat stores

Now the absolute beauty is that fixing all 3 of these hidden fat loss blockers doesn’t require changes to your diet or exercise.

This means…

  • No complicated diet restrictions, counting calories, or constant slaving away at the gym
  • No completely shutting off your favorite foods, or being forced to eat bland diet food
  • No prepackaged tv dinner meals or programs to buy

And no gimmicks or empty promises - solving each of the 3 hidden fat loss blockers is heavily proven by research and my patients’ results to support you in weight management.

Keep in mind - if you only solve one out of the three fat loss killers, you’re not fixing the whole problem, and struggles with managing your weight can persist.

But when you do solve all 3 of these hidden fat loss killers… You’ll enjoy an incredible synergistic effect, where weight management will be just like it was in your youth.

All other weight loss advice acts as if everyone’s the same… But a 25-year-old losing weight is very different from someone over 50 losing weight.

I Never Meant To Discover The Solutions To These Hidden Fat Loss Blockers…

Patients get on a 2-year waitlist to see me for everything from chronic anti-aging, to cancer, and more.

The patients who find me are either very engaged with their health, and looking to extend their life for as long as possible, or very sick, and looking for a miracle.

And so I never meant to discover these 3 fat loss blockers and their solutions to specifically help my patients lose weight…

I only wanted to help them get better from their original symptoms.

But my policy has always been to solve problems at their root.

Anything less is like paying for expensive band-aids, while time and health waste away.

So when we discovered that fixing their health issues such as mood swings, blood sugar management, indigestion, low energy, and low sex drive also led to near-effortless weight management…

We were thrilled!

We’ve already seen rave reviews from members of Sun Coast Sciences for the individual solutions to these 3 hidden fat loss blockers…

DetoxiThin, the number one way to support liver detox to solve Hijacked Hormones…

AMPAlive, the number one way to solve low levels of AMPK…

FloraThin, the number one way to solve Leaky Gut issues ...

But Read Closely - This Has Never Been Done Before...

As a doctor who’s taken the Hippocratic oath, knowing that weight issues put a person at a much higher likelihood of developing a fatal disease…

Everything from type 2 diabetes, to a sudden, life-ending stroke, to cancer in the kidney, colon, breast, and liver...

Along with the damaged quality of life in the form of lower energy, depressed feelings, fogginess, discomfort...

I knew I had to do everything in my power to help members of the Sun Coast Sciences Community solve these hidden fat loss killers.

And since it’s the New Year, and we all want to lose those extra pounds…

I put together the Ultimate Sun Coast Sciences Fat Loss Kit at an incredible cost savings - for you to get over these 3 hidden fat loss killers, lose the weight, and finally keep it off!

Fat Loss Bundle

What’s inside the Sun Coast Sciences Ultimate Fat Loss Kit?

First is DetoxiThin.

DetoxiThin is our total liver detoxification formula designed to “shut down” the very real hormonal crisis of estrogen overload. Patients can enjoy easier weight management and increased energy and sexual libido as a result. Without having to change your diet or exercise habits.

Next is AMPAlive.

AMPAlive is our fat-melting AMPK activator that resets age-related glitches in your metabolic machinery, kickstarting your natural fat loss engine to defeat “fat loss resistance syndrome”... Without having to change your diet or exercise habits.

And then last but not least is FloraThin.

FloraThin is your daily anti-leaky gut solution. It includes 30 Billion CFU’s of 7 carefully researched bacterial strains, some of which are specifically proven to aid in weight management without changes to diet or exercise…

As well as DigeSEB, incredibly potent digestive enzymes that give your stomach everything it needs to digest whatever you throw at it.

This helps prevent large undigested food particles from tearing a hole in your small intestine and causing leaky gut.

No more fat particles leaking out and storing themselves in your trouble spots. And again, this is without having to change your diet or exercise habits.

Now with the 9 specialized compounds in DetoxiThin, taking some of them individually - if you could even find them - would cost at least $20 per compound.

So DetoxiThin retails for a very reasonable $89.95 per bottle.

AMPAlive, which features Berberine HCL to rest your body and reactivate your youth metabolism by reigniting your AMPK…

Along with Chromium Picolinate for significant cravings and carb intake reduction…

And Gymnema which blocks the carbs you do eat, by blocking sugar receptors in your mouth and small intestine…

Also retails for a very reasonable $89.95 per bottle.

And because FloraThin contains 30 Billion CFU’s of 7 carefully researched bacterial strains… 10-15 times the amount of probiotics in other supplements... Plus the incredibly potent DigeSEB digestive enzymes…

FloraThin retails for $99.95 per bottle.

Altogether, that’s a value of $279.85.

But because of my connections with suppliers, and because of the incredible exciting growth of Sun Coast Sciences, I found myself with enough “purchasing power” to offer DetoxiThin, AMPAlive, and FloraThin for $49.95, $49.95, and $39.99 respectively.

In fact, if you look here at the Sun Coast Sciences store…

That’s exactly what you can find these supplements at.

But this time only, for this special New Year’s offer... You can get all 3 for a one time purchase of $104, or a monthly subscription of only $79 a month!



Fat Loss Bundle

Normally: $279.85


Save 72%



Fat Loss Bundle

Normally: $279.85


Save 63%

When you choose the monthly subscription option, the price is lowered from $279.85 all the way down to $79.00 a month.

That’s an incredible $200.85 off the normal price. Which is like a cabinet full of prescription medicine, or dinner for a family of 8.

But no prescription medicines or dinners can do anything for your body quite like the fat-burning effects of the Sun Coast Sciences Ultimate Fat Loss Kit can…

Especially considering you don’t even have to make any changes to your diet or exercise habits to burn stubborn fat off your body.

Even if you do nothing in terms of diet or exercise…

By clearing out your liver and supporting balanced hormones, ramping up levels of AMPK in your cells, and fixing your gut, you will lose weight.

The Sun Coast Sciences Ultimate Fat Loss Kit fights these 3 different fat loss wars in your body for you, so you don’t have to.

And if you combine it with watching what you eat or adding in some exercise… Watch out world!

Total transformation in how you look, feel, think, and move is just around the corner.

When you skip out of bed - yes, SKIP…

Bouncing with excitement, grinning at all the weight you’ve lost, no longer wondering if you’ll have the energy to “make it” through the day...

Well, like I’ve often heard from my patients - that’s a life-changing transformation that you simply can’t put a price on.

And like with everything in Sun Coast Sciences, you’ll still have the…



Remember, if you’re dissatisfied with your order at any time or for any reason, simply contact us at or 1-888-281-6816 for a full no-questions-asked refund. Because if you’re not happy, we don’t deserve your business.

In fact, once you place your order, the next thing I want you to do is to go grab a tape measure and record your waist circumference.

Picture how good you’ll look in 30 days… 60 days… 90 days, just in time for the weather warming up!

Imagine seeing lower numbers on the scale that you haven’t seen in years, even decades…

Buttoning on a pair of pants all the way up, and being shocked at the fact that the label reads “skinny jeans”...

Ditching the coat and oversized sweaters, Proudly showing off the new, smaller clothes you’ve bought. Feeling beautiful, strong, confident, and radiant...

Imagine friends and family cheering you on for finally getting out of the weight loss “rat race”, finding peace in the war your body has been battling your whole life.

I know it can be daunting, but you can have confidence this time around, knowing that big changes are on the way.

You know exactly what caused you to fail in the past…

You know why it hasn’t been your fault…

And you know how to avoid the hidden fat loss blockers that have been stopping you this whole time.

So there’s no more need for fear.

No more worrying if you can stick to some insane diet or exercise routine…

Because with the Sun Coast Sciences Ultimate Fat Loss Kit, you won’t even need to change your diet or exercise habits to drop the pounds.

And if you don’t shed inches from your waistline… even after a year of taking the combined power of DetoxiThin, AMPAlive, and FloraThin, then I want you to get in touch with me and let me know. And my team and I will happily refund you every penny of your purchase.

I don’t think that’s going to be your experience, though.

I think it will be quite the opposite - such a remarkable change in your body composition, your energy levels, and your overall health, that you’ll want to keep taking DetoxiThin, AMPAlive, and FloraThin every day, for the rest of your life.

On their own, each of these formulations is powerful in helping you to reach your weight management goals…

And together, they’re far more powerful than on their own.

That’s certainly been the feedback I’ve received so far…

...and that’s why I’m also offering all three for a one time purchase of $104, or a monthly subscription of only $79 a month.

And - if you take me up on the monthly subscription now, you’ll lock in that price for life. And you can cancel at any time.

If you don’t, the price will go back up to almost double the small investment of $79 a month… And I would hate for you to miss out.

So go ahead and click the button to secure your supply of DetoxiThin, AMPAlive, and FloraThin for only $79 a month, $200.85 off the retail price.



Fat Loss Bundle

Normally: $279.85


Save 72%



Fat Loss Bundle

Normally: $279.85


Save 63%

I know from talking to many of you that struggling with your weight, body image, and all the associated health risks are always on your mind.

And I know that New Year’s has the magical ability to motivate and energize us.

So that’s why I’m offering you this Fat Loss Bundle now - to help you take advantage of your momentum, and finally make a permanent, lasting change when it comes to your weight, appearance, and health.

DetoxiThin, AMPAlive, and FloraThin combined are going to get your body’s fat loss systems working just like they did in your youth…

Reversing years, or even decades of the consequences of the 3 hidden fat loss killers.

No medical interventions, visits to an expensive lab, or any needles or procedures…

Nope. Just a simple, revolutionary nutraceutical combination to take once or twice a day.

A revolutionary nutraceutical combination that fights the three different fat loss wars going on in your body.

One that has to do with your hormones…

Another that has to do with your cell’s ability to burn fat…

And one more that has fat swimming around your bloodstream, until it makes its way into your stubborn fat cells.

You now know these as the 3 hidden fat loss blockers that have been sabotaging your weight loss efforts.

What you may not know is that you’ve arrived at a decision point, with three different options. Whichever you take is up to you.

Option #1: Do absolutely nothing and stay exactly where you are right now.

If you’re completely happy with your weight…

If you don’t face any of the problems people commonly complain about when it comes to their weight…

The fatigue, body image issues, extra pounds, aches and pains, stress, being able to move freely and comfortably…

Or if you aren’t worried about chronic conditions that affect many Americans, such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, risking a sudden, life-ending stroke, to cancer in the kidney, colon, breast, and liver…

Then, this may not be for you. Maybe you’re already fit, healthy, and happy over 50, and from the bottom of my heart, congratulations!

That’s absolutely incredible, and you’re setting an amazing example for your family, and everyone around you.

But if any of these apply to you… Or you just want to avoid the disappointment of failing another year’s worth of resolutions…

Then that leaves you with two options.

Option #2: Try to lose weight on your own.

Yes, you can definitely go on a diet and increase your exercise levels to lose weight. It’ll be healthy for you, and the benefits go beyond just the number on the scale.

But if you’ve made it this far, I’m guessing that you’ve already tried to go about it on your own, and you haven’t seen the results you want yet.

I’m guessing that starting, stopping, and failing to lose weight and get healthier has been going on for a long time.

Now you know why it hasn’t been your fault, and why it’s been so difficult.

But going about it on your own is actually the most dangerous option.

You see, because of our chemical-laden environments and the toxins we’re exposed to on a daily basis...

Left untouched, each of these problems compound and get worse.

Unavoidable household items leaking hormone-disrupting toxins into our bodies.

Aging and inflammatory firestarters affecting the levels of AMPK in our cells.

Preservatives, artificial sweeteners, unnatural foods, and medicines destroying our gut health.

These problems can get worse each and every single day, making it only harder and harder for you to finally achieve your health and weight loss goals.

On the bright side, at least now you know why it isn’t your fault you haven’t been able to achieve your goals in the past...

But that brings us to the last option -

Option #3: Let the Sun Coast Sciences Ultimate Fat Loss Kit do the heavy lifting for you

Each one of these breakthrough nutraceutical supplements can help you lose weight without changing your diet and exercise.

It’s what my most successful patients are using to finally:

  • Overcome the plague of uncontrollable weight gain
  • Get their cellular weight-management circuits firing again
  • And experience the joy of a trim, healthy physique

And at the same time, this is one of the best deals I’ve ever offered at Sun Coast Sciences.

This is my way of supporting you as best as I can to finally reach your health goals.



Fat Loss Bundle

Normally: $279.85


Save 72%



Fat Loss Bundle

Normally: $279.85


Save 63%

I don’t want you to be a part of the more than 160 million Americans who are either obese or overweight.

And I don’t want you to be a part of the 80% of people who fail their resolutions by the second week of the New Year.

Instead, I want you to get ready, because…

You’re About To Become The Center Of Some Very Positive Attention… family and friends rave about how good you look.

Get ready for your doctor to ask you what you’ve done to lose those pounds and achieve those incredible healthy blood markers…

“Whatever it is, keep doing it, because you seem to be getting younger!”

(and don’t be surprised if he asks you to let him in on your secret.)

The Sun Coast Sciences Ultimate Fat Loss Kit is the real thing for better weight management, more energy, and a long healthy life.

It’s the only breakthrough nutraceutical combination that has been specifically put together to shut down the doors on the 3 hidden fat loss killers for Americans over 50.

That’s why I believe it’s working for so many of my patients when nothing else has worked for them before.

And that’s what I predict for you, as well.

So if you want to experience what this breakthrough combination can do for your weight, health, and energy…

Getting you healthier, lighter, and more energetic each and every single day…

Getting you to wear those clothes you never thought you’d fit in… the ones that you’d been holding onto out of hope, but were never seeing the light of day at the back of your closet…

Getting you to feel great about yourself, knowing you’ve got a simple daily habit that’s making you better everyday...



Fat Loss Bundle

Normally: $279.85


Save 72%



Fat Loss Bundle

Normally: $279.85


Save 63%

I can’t wait to hear about your incoming success story - which I’m absolutely positive is coming - so let’s start now.

Everything changes for you, starting on the very next page.

To your health and happiness,

Dr. Mark Rosenberg