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The World's Best Fish Oil
  • Brilliant Brain Cells
  • Heart Health
  • Glowing Skin

Dr. Mark Rosenberg on OmegaVive

If there's one supplement that everyone should take, it's a fish oil. Omega 3's have so many benefits, across the whole body. So we designed what we believe to be the best fish oil in the world. Give it a try and we know you'll agree with us!

Dr. Mark Rosenberg
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The Top Reasons To Take OmegaVive

According To The Clinical Studies

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A Healthy, Upbeat Mood

Over 26 studies have shown that the right combination of EPA and DHA fatty acids can support an upbeat, optimistic, zen-like mood. Studies suggest that the optimal ratio is 1.5:1 EPA:DHA - nearly the exact ratio found in OmegaVive.

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Heart & Circulation

EPA+DHA are essential for supporting healthy levels of triglycerides, and healthy low blood pressure. They've also been shown to keep arteries smooth, and reduce blood clots.

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Tight, Beautiful Skin

DHA Omegas are key structural components in our cell membranes - and healthy membranes mean supple, moist, firm skin. Meanwhile, EPA Omegas help regulate oil production, as well as the dangerous by-products of sun exposure.

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A Brilliant Brain

Omega 3's can help support the growth of healthy myelin - the fatty "sheath" that lines key neuron pathways in the brain, protecting these pathways from interference and damage.

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Smooth, Comfortable Joints

Clinical studies show that people who take Omega 3's feel greater joint comfort, and even increased grip strength. They're a must for anyone who works at a computer all day!

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Every individual is unique. As such, your results can and will vary. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or illness.

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Designed With Care

By Dr. Mark Rosenberg

All Sun Coast Sciences formulas are carefully designed by Dr. Mark Rosenberg, to ensure clinical dosing, of the best ingredients, with superior bioavailability. In OmegaVive, you'll find...


High Concentrations of EPA and DHA

1200mg of EPA, and 750mg of DHA - these are the specific Omega 3’s that deliver so many of the benefits. This is about 3-4 times the amount you’ll find in most other Omega supplements: we invite you to compare labels!


Ultra-Refined Triglyceride Oil

Most omega supplements use unrefined, esther-ethyl oil (which tastes fishy and becomes rancid!). OmegaVive uses a super-refined triglyceride oil, which is way more potent and healthy… so there’s NO FISH BURPS!


ClearEnteric Softgels

The lemony-flavored gels go down easy, and they’re engineered to dissolve only once they reach your small intestine - so you get 100% of the omega goodness in every capsule.


Sustainably Harvested from Small Fish

OmegaVive’s oils come from sustainably caught fish, low on the food chain, so there’s minimal heavy metals and toxins compared to other fish oils on the market.

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How Much To Take

& When To Take It

A standard serving of OmegaVive is two capsules daily. However, if you need extra protection or a boost in joint comfort, you're welcome to take up to two servings per day.

Frequently Asked Questions

With Dr. Mark Rosenberg

Why should I take an Omega supplement?

Omega 3's are essential for so many functions in your body. Unfortunately, most of us get far too many! Our ancestors had a balanced 1:1 ratio of omega 3 to omega 6... but these days, it's more like 1:20, because there are so many Omega 6's in commercial cooking oils and packaged foods. This can trigger inflammatory pathways in the body, and it also means that we're missing out on some of the key benefits that Omega 3's can deliver. So I urge everyone to take a high dose Omega!

What about borage or flax seeds or other vegetarian alternatives?

I'm sorry to say it, but they just don't stack up. There's a reason that our ancestors' brain growth took off when they started fishing - it's the high concentrations of triglyceride omegas in fish oil that deliver so many of the benefits.

What makes OmegaVive so much better?

We start with small, sustainably caught fish, and we go through extra refinement steps to make sure the fish oil is delivered in its most potent triglyceride form. Then we deliver it in a soft-gel that passes easily through your stomach, and into your small intestine, so you don't get any fish burps. We use an extremely high dose of both EPA and DHA, and we even use the potent antioxidant astaxanthin as a binding agent. We put a tremendous amount of work into designing the perfect Omega, and we think you'll agree!

What will I experience with OmegaVive?

It can deliver a wide range of benefits - everything from a little bump in your mood, to sharper thinking, to clear eyesight, to more energy! There's no other supplement out there that can do so much for you.

Does OmegaVive have a fishy smell or taste? Will I have fish burps?

Definitely not! Our soft-gels are coated with a natural lemon extract, so they actually taste quite delicious! And with our ClearEnteric soft-gels, the oil doesn't get released until it hits your small intestine, where it's efficiently digested and sent out into your bloodstream.

Is there anyone who shouldn't take OmegaVive?

As with all supplements, consult with your healthcare provider. If you have extremely low blood pressure, you should monitor your Omega intake.

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You’ll typically pay no more than $5 for shipping, and many of our packages include free shipping. We ship USPS First Class, and packages go out every night of the week. Most customers receive their orders in four days or less.

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If you don’t love our products, just call or write in, and we’ll be happy to refund you. We make it easy and hassle-free to get your money back.

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3rd-Party Testing

All of our ingredients are tested for purity upon receipt. Then, after each production run, our products are inspected at a third-party lab for integrity and potency. What you see on the label is what you get.

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No Hidden Health Risks

Dr. Mark Rosenberg is extremely careful about ingredient selection. Whenever possible, he chooses certified NON-GMO ingredients. And when our products contain allergens, we make sure it’s clearly labeled.

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