MIT Scientists: Tinnitus May Not Start in the Ears But the Brain

MIT Scientists: Tinnitus May Not Start in the Ears But the Brain

Do you often get a buzzing, hissing, or roaring in your ears?

Well, according to new MIT research…

Listening to loud music in your youth may not be to blame.

According to MIT scientists, hearing problems often don’t start in the ears…

But in the BRAIN.

The MIT scientists found there’s a type of biological “wire” that runs from the ear drums to the brain.

As long as this “wire” is functioning properly, you can enjoy smooth, crystal clear hearing.

But if the wire deteriorates, it messes up sounds. You can then get buzzing, clicking and hissing in your ears.

The good news is that Patrick Bark… an anatomy professor at one of America’s most prestigious universities… found a solution.

It’s inexpensive, it can be done at home and it regenerates the hearing “wire” in weeks.

So you can hear perfectly again…

And say goodbye to headaches, dizziness or feeling angry or depressed:

>>>Bizarre experiment uncovers faulty brain wire as root cause of ear ringing (and what you can do about it starting today)


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